Tuesday, February 3, 2009

More people eating...

In this photo I can see three people, two girls and one boys. But I think that to in front of the woman of the center there is one another person, because she looks towards there. They are having breakfast, since the foods that there are about the table are more typical of a breakfast than of a lunch or dinner. In particular above the table there is a coffee, a white coffee, one cup of hot chocolate and quite a lot of salt sifters. The expression of the faces of the persons they are pleasant, because of that I can say that they must be passing themselves it well. I think that groups of persons who work boards are one and that they have the same hour of going breakfast and this breakfast must be repeated every day.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Why this blog?

With this blog I attempt to summarize all what we have made during the first four months of the year, that we have dedicated to studies and practices of the English order to be able to remove the PET exam.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

People eating!

In this picture there are ten people, seven in a one table, and two in the other, also there is a one waiters. In the table at the back, I don't see nothing, but in the table on the front, I see , three bottles of the wine, some cups, and some bread. Also there are some dishes. The expression of the persons, is very pleasant, seems that it is passing itself it well. I think that it is a meeting of company, where the workers have lunch with their superiors. The local are modern since the beams of iron of the ceiling can be observed, and this is a thing that is made since little ago. It can also be affirmed that the premises are new, since there is the wiring of the light on the walls without security.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Description of a photo

In this Photo I can see, two people, one boy, and one girl.

They are in a dining room because they are eating. In this room, I can see, two chairs, one table, one picture, shelving with pictures and figures. On the table there are a lot of foods. In my opinion the room it’s a little old, for theses times. I think that I don’t live there, because it’s very old-fashioned.

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

How do you do a description....

When you want to make a description about room, you have to follow some steps:

- The type of room ti is.
- What you can see in a room.
- Where the things are.
- Your opinion of the room.
- Who you think live there.